Swinging the old cedar door from Grenfell took a couple of hours and reminded me just how much harder it is to rebate hinges into hardwood door frames. The cedar door was like butter whereas the tallowwood took an age doing it the old fashioned way with a mallet and sharp chisel.
One hiccough I encountered was self inflicted - I had over sized the door by 22mm. No big deal, except to maximise onsite time I’d mortised the old lock into the door while it was in the workshop. To resize the door I had to deepen the mortise to accommodate the narrower stile.
The weekend onsite was also an opportunity to check the kitchen bench measurements - no 22mm over sizing there - they seem to be bang on. This is a good thing as I’ve already starting building the cabinets in the workshop. Next week will be a slow week - I’m off to hang out with my Dad for a couple of days - but I’m sure the unfinished kitchen bench will still be waiting for me when I get back.