Monday, May 21, 2012

Beating the enemy - dust

The Rolls Royce of sanders
I had long concluded that when it came to sanding there was always going to be dust on the hanky when I blew my nose at the end of the day - even with the brilliant Dust-Be-Gone dust mask.

But all that changed on the weekend when I sanded the hardwood flooring in one of the upstairs' bedrooms with my Festool RS100CQ sander connected to the Festool CT26E dust extractor (which is a euphemism for "vacuum cleaner").

After a day of sanding, the hanky was clean - not a speck.  Now that's impressive.

You may ask: why sand an entire floor with a 1/3 sheet sander?  Well, two reasons:
  1. We don't want every imperfection eradicated, if that were the case we'd use laminate flooring over a chipboard floor. No, we want a floor that has some character but no splinters.
  2. For the cost of hiring a floor sander I purchased the the RS100CQ second hand. And as sanders go - it is the Rolls Royce.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


The shed - almost open for business
It's taken a few weekends but the shed is done.  Well, almost - I still need to get the roll-a-door to go up and down before we can cut the ribbon. 

The shed was originally in Canberra and was given to us by friends from church who were upgrading their car accommodation.  So we pulled it down, labelled everything and trailered it to Pemberley.  Putting it up two years later has been a bit of a test of our memories (why did we write that on this piece?) and a real team effort with our son-in-law lending his tall genes at just the right moment.

Unfortunately the local wombat has discovered the shed and started digging up one of the footings already.  I'm not sure what God was thinking when He made wombats so annoying - I hope I remember to ask Him.