Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The egg carton

A diversion from house building arose with the imminent arrival of 3 wynadotte hens. These classy chicks deserved the best! So, we combined a quad bike shipping crate, the screen door from our old house (these are surprisingly easy to cut down), left over flashing and guttering from the current build and a few sheets of zincalume to produce - the "egg carton".

This was great practice for the Carapark rebuild and the chickens are very happy.

The Egg Carton

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Pandemic powered progress

Some of our friends have asked how we've been travelling during the lock-down.  To be honest, the impact has been pretty minimal. In fact, with Church now online (you can binge here - if you're curious I gave the message on April 19, starting around 11 minutes in) and Bible study via Zoom, we've had more time to work at home.

The latest milestone is the completion of our bedroom window.  The design brief required panels across the bottom that would prompt us to be thankful. After some reflective and fun family discussions we decided on the following, from left to right:

  1. The gospel (here's a summary)
  2. Our love for each other (ie, Jeanette and I) 
  3. Family (it's a stylized tree)
  4. Friends (it's a ... oh, you can guess)
  5. Our life's journey
  6. Our home
  7. Time to rest
  8. God's creation
  9. Our hope in Heaven

The other COVID19 related success is the installation of our en-suite window.  After 11 casement windows this is my first venture into a single hung sash configuration.  We had fun picking through our glass stash finding left overs from previous projects.

And finally, COVID19 is responsible for the guest room door.  The cedar door came from Jeanette's, Dad's childhood home (circa 1928). One hundred years later it was missing some bits - which are now, of course, lead light.

Guest room from outside

Guest room door from inside

I'm pleased there aren't many windows to go, only:
  • 8 fixed panels,
  • 5 sash windows, and
  • 2 casement windows.